Rep. Gallego Votes For More Funding for Small Businesses, Hospitals, and Testing


Date: April 24, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) voted for the Interim Coronavirus Relief Package (H.R. 266). The bill includes $310 billion in additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), $75 billion for hospitals, and $25 billion for COVID-19 testing.

"This package should have been passed three weeks ago," said Rep. Gallego. "The initial pushback we received from Congressional Republicans about including funding for health care workers, testing, and small businesses that don't have a legion of accountants and connections to big banks was ridiculous and caused massive harm. Why Republicans opposed the legislative equivalent to a "no brainer' is beyond me.

"This package is step in the right direction to get help to some of those who need it most--underserved small businesses struggling to pay their employees, doctors and nurses on the front lines, and lab workers who will be key to eventually reopening our economy.

"But we know much more needs to be done given that the President has shunned responsibility for managing the acquisition of PPE, ramping up testing, and supporting the millions of newly unemployed workers. Trump's abdication of leadership has forced states, localities, and tribal governments to pick up the pieces.

"Congress cannot delay again in passing bold legislation that truly supports small, underserved businesses and their employees, broadens eligibility for PPP, protects the solvency of hospitals and health centers, includes another round of individual stimulus payments, and fully funds state, local, and tribal governments. In particular, actions by the Trump Administration to funnel funding to corporations instead of Tribes, as well as severely restrict Tribal relief funding, must be fixed.

"I welcome any opportunity to work with the President and Congressional Republicans on these issues, but if they continue to shirk responsibility and obstruct timely action to send help to where it's truly needed most, I have one message for them: get out of our way."
